Struggling great grandmother raises 6 kids alone, left in tears when stranger makes change on rent


By the time most people reach their 70s and have raised their family they can look forward to more peaceful times and a lot more rest and relaxation.

But not this military widow, from Las Vegas, Nevada.

Ms Ella, who had already raised her own children as well as some of her grandchildren, found herself looking after six great grandchildren at 72 years old.

But this incredible woman was struggling to pay the rent and put food on the table. Not to mention the repairs on her home, which were piling up.

One day there was a stranger at her door asking to come into her home with some incredible news.

Ms. Ella was spending her golden years doing all she could to provide the best home possible for her six great-grandchildren — on her own.

Though the circumstances surrounding these kids is unclear, what we do know is that Ms. Ella taking them in was the only way these kids could have a loving home.

Best friend plans the biggest surprise

As Christmas approached most families were planning a feast and presents but Ms Ella was just praying that she could pay the rent and keep food on the table.

Ms Alice came up with a secret plan that would lead to a team of strangers showing up on her doorstep with a surprise that made Ms Ella cry.

The Fox5 Surprise Squad arrived with a truckload full of new furnishings, carpets, beds for the kids and even Christmas decorations.

Rent paid in full

Ms. Ella’s house was filled with new furnishings, beds for the kids and gifts including a $500 dollar gift card for each child.

But that wasn’t all — the Surprise Squad also arranged for Ms. Ella’s rent to be paid in full for the next year.

Watch Ms. Ella’s wonderful reaction in the video below.

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