Bus Driver Gets Just Reward For Heroic Actions During Heat Wave


The high levels of heat sweeping the nation as summer goes on requires that we are prepared when we leave our homes.

We need to have enough water, maybe a hat on, or even some sunscreen to protect us from the full force of the sweltering summer heat.

Sometimes, though, these high temperatures can still affect us, and without proper hydration, we could be putting our bodies in danger in the summer heat.

Thankfully, for those who do find themselves needing a drink of water, there are kind, compassionate individuals who will happily help out.

On the 30th of July, Mike Blair, a bus driver from Nevada, noticed an elderly man visibly suffering in the heat.

It was 105 degrees out, and the man was beginning to suffer the effects of heat exhaustion.

Blair spotted him at one of his usual stops and saw that the man didn’t want to get on the bus.

He was, instead, grappling onto the wall and looking very distressed.

Image Credit: Flickr

Blair leaped up and rushed to the gentleman’s side.

He gently led him onto the bus and placed him in a seat where he would feel a lot of the air conditioner.

Blair also reached for his lunch box, where he had a bottle of water, and gave the elderly man the drink he needed.

A mere 10 minutes later, the elderly gentleman had arrived at his stop and thanked Blair as he disembarked.

He also revealed that he was 92 years old, which amazed Blair to hear.

Meanwhile, behind the scenes, a passenger was taking pictures of what was going on.

Unbeknownst to Blair, these photos were being uploaded to Reddit and Twitter, telling the story of his kindness.

Image Credit: Brent Leabu/Twitter

The picture of the incident went viral across the Internet, and Blair found out about this when his employer, Keolis, and the Regional Transportation Commission, or RTC, reached out to him to applaud his actions and kindness.

They even framed the picture to remember his compassion!

Blair jokingly said that he should learn how to do Twitter after this burst of fame.

Still, Blair does not believe that what he did was a heroic act.

Instead, he believes that it shouldn’t even be considered as such, stating that we are all family – sisters, and brothers.

He thinks that, in his situation, anyone else would have done the same.

Image Credit: Tiana Bohner/Twitter

Keolis has actually trained all its bus drivers to be able to spot signs and symptoms of dehydration because of the summer heat.

It is distributing 10,000 water bottles to passengers this summer as well and always tells its drivers to be aware and mindful of what is happening with passengers.

Image Credit: Tiana Bohner/Twitter

Blair’s actions were applauded once more in a small party that the company threw for him just before his 1st August shift.

Blair still maintains that what he has done is far from heroic, and hopes that others will be touched by his actions and inspired to do good and spread kindness to others as well.