Home News While Changing Her Baby, Mom Sees Hospital Tag On His Foot. What It Says Stops Her Cold.

While Changing Her Baby, Mom Sees Hospital Tag On His Foot. What It Says Stops Her Cold.

While Changing Her Baby, Mom Sees Hospital Tag On His Foot. What It Says Stops Her Cold.

A mother and father in the UK are speaking out after their newborn son was sent home from the hospital with the wrong name tag.
When baby Tyler was sent home with his parents, Gemma Evans and Zeke Kennan, they couldn’t wait to spend some much needed quality time with their adorable infant.

It wasn’t until Gemma went to change her baby boy that she finally noticed something wrong with his name tag.

“I was changing him and I realised he had the wrong nametag on his foot,” the 26-year-old mom told Express & Star. “I was shocked and angry, I just couldn’t believe it.”

“He could have gone home with the wrong family and we could have lost him,” she added. “I was kind of panicking and I did think for a minute ‘have I got the right baby?’”

Soon Gemma and Zeke began to wonder if the name tag mix-up had happened before their son underwent tests at the hospital. Tyler was born via C-section because he had a chest infection that required him to spend a few extra days in the hospital.

“What if they got the blood mixed up too – did he even have an infection?” Gemma said. “He seems alright at the moment but we have still got to get him checked out. I’m really worried now.”

After Gemma and Zeke went public with their story, Paula Clark, chief executive, of Dudley Group NHS Trust, which runs Russells Hall, announced that an investigation had been launched.

“We take the safety and security of babies born and cared for at our hospital extremely seriously,” she said. “We are undertaking a thorough investigation into concerns raised by the family of Tyler Evans.”