Home News Walmart Worker Fired For ‘Gross’ Thing He Did There Every Day For 20 Years

Walmart Worker Fired For ‘Gross’ Thing He Did There Every Day For 20 Years

Walmart Worker Fired For ‘Gross’ Thing He Did There Every Day For 20 Years

Just 20 days short of reaching his 20-year milestone of employment as a Walmart cashier, Frank Swanson was fired from his job and kicked out of the store.

The reason for it has a community outraged, threatening a boycott if the big box store doesn’t bring him back. However, Walmart’s not budging, calling what he did “gross.”

For two decades, Frank has been synonymous with the Walmart in West Plains, Missouri, and for many shoppers, he was the only genuine interaction they had with anyone all day. Read the full story here ▶