Mother Shocked as Son Refuses to Enter School – The Reason Will Leave You Speechless!


In the news, we have our so-called sports ‘heroes’ not showing respect as the national anthem is being played before they play. Those men are not heroes – we shouldn’t look up to them or aspire to be like them. We all need to be like Royce Thompson, and he is just five years old.

Royce goes to school in at Roy J Wollam Elementary school in Santa Fe, Texas. One morning in September 2016, his mother, Heather Nelson, was running late and urged her son to hurry to get into the building on time. Then all of a sudden, just outside the doors – Royce froze.

Heather was rather confused as to why her son just stopped, most of the other kids were rushing past him.

pledge of allegiance
Image Credit: Heather Nelson / Facebook

But then a school police officer, Cibby Moore, appeared and explained to Heather what was happening.

pledge of allegiance
Image Credit: Heather Nelson / Facebook

Royce heard the Pledge of Allegiance as approached the school and he knew that he had to stop and show his respect. Heather posted this picture of her son on Facebook. As you can imagine, she was very proud.

pledge of allegiance
Image Credit: Heather Nelson / Facebook

Royce also took that moment to say a quick prayer. He thanked God for giving him such a beautiful day.

Royce’s role model is his grandfather, Judge Mike Nelson, who is also Heather’s father.

Heather said she gives all the credit to her parents. So, there you go. Be like Royce. Be thankful and show respect.

pledge of allegiance
Image Credit: Heather Nelson / Facebook

The flag represents their country and the lives that were lost in order to give them this land they live in.

pledge of allegiance
Image Credit: Heather Nelson / Facebook