Man saved a baby moose from danger, received something remarkable in exchange!


According to the brave man, Erik, when he came back home one day, he reportedly found a baby moose lying outside his gate.When Erik established that the calf was all alone, he approached it ever so carefully so as not to frighten it. On closer inspection, he noticed that it was a female moose who was no older than two weeks.

She was in bad shape, and that’s when the brave man figured out what had happened to her mother. He initially thought that the female moose’s mother was killed by hunters, and in search of safety, the baby moose ran onto the property of the farm to evade the hunters. It also looked like the calf got injured on the way.

Like most people would have done, he called up family and friends to ask for advice and tips, but he was met with aggression. “‘It is illegal, you should not do it. Let nature take care of it,” were the kind of comments he received.

Shorty after, he decided to keep her, and a magical friendship formed between the animal and the man. He was excited to keep the female moose and named her Emma. The first few weeks were very challenging for him; it was as if fatherhood crept up on him from nowhere. Emma needed to eat every few hours and couldn’t be left alone for too long. At first, he would feed her every four hours, and even sleep next to her in the barn or outside to make sure the animal felt safe. Eventually, it was time to release the moose back into the wild. At first, Emma was terrified of the forest, but she felt safe with hom and therefore followed him into the wild as he helped her search for food. He hoped Emma would learn how to fend for herself like any other moose in the wild.

Erik was thrilled to see Emma roaming free in the woods, but he knew that she could fall victim to the local hunters just like her mother did. He couldn’t stand the thought of losing his beloved Emma, but he couldn’t keep her on the farm either. To avoid the inevitable, Erikas invited the local hunters over to try and get them on his side. “I had some hunters over for them to see her as not just a nice, warm steak with potatoes and vegetables on the table, but as a very intelligent and loving animal,” he said. His plan went surprisingly well, and after the hunters witnessed the relationship between Emma and Erik, they had a complete change of heart. Some of the hunters agreed not to hunt her, while others promised not to hunt moose at all.

The biggest victory for Erik was that some hunters decided to put down their weapons and stop hunting altogether. He was ecstatic to hear the news, but then Emma showed up with an even bigger surprise than he could have imagined. Emma visited her ‘dad’ every single day! After Emma moved back into the wild, Erik noticed her stomach looking rather round and significantly bigger. It was clear that she was pregnant, and at that moment, Erik was reassured that Emma really was doing well in the wild. She was starting her own family! Soon Erikas will get even more visitors – and he couldn’t be happier about it. “She turned my life upside down. Being a man, I became a mother to a moose,” Erik said. “I’m her world now and she is mine,” he said. “Sometimes I wonder was it me who saved her or is it the other way around?”.