Home News Innocent Girl Holds Unbelievable Item in Her Hand, and Onlookers Are Left Stunned!

Innocent Girl Holds Unbelievable Item in Her Hand, and Onlookers Are Left Stunned!

Innocent Girl Holds Unbelievable Item in Her Hand, and Onlookers Are Left Stunned!

Tyler Ver Vynck, a father in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, absolutely adores his two-year-old daughter, Journey.

However, when onlookers spotted the toddler walking with her father through a store, they were left in complete disbelief when they realized what she held in her hands – and that’s when they decided to say something to the dad about it.

As most toddlers do, his daughter insists that she has control of certain situations, such as what toy she carries with her in public. Read the full story here ▶