Home Entertainment From old lady to style icon. A makeup artist transformed an ordinary grandmother beyond recognition

From old lady to style icon. A makeup artist transformed an ordinary grandmother beyond recognition

From old lady to style icon. A makeup artist transformed an ordinary grandmother beyond recognition

The makeup artist, who is well-known on Instagram, chose to demonstrate how cosmetics can significantly alter a person.

A regular granny who had neglected her appearance for many years was the man’s visitor in his workshop.

The woman, as you have already noticed, is an advocate of natural beauty, not using hair dye and basic cosmetics in her daily life.

The magician managed to transform her grandmother beyond recognition, proving that makeup works wonders. “Great result,” “Wizard,” “makeup can completely change a person’s face.”

“Incredible result,” “Grandchildren will not recognize,” “You have golden hands,” “Bravo,” – I read under the post of a makeup artist. And did you like the result?

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