Home News Couple adopted triplets, but 7 days later ‘doctor handed life-altering news’!

Couple adopted triplets, but 7 days later ‘doctor handed life-altering news’!

Couple adopted triplets, but 7 days later ‘doctor handed life-altering news’!

There are plenty of couples out there who can attest to the fact that they, for one reason or another, simply couldn’t fall pregnant. Or at the very least it took them a deal of time trying before they did.

Others have no problem with conceiving a child, but the truth of the matter is the whole process can be more challenging than most of us realize.

Just ask Sara and Andy, a couple who tried everything in their power to have a baby. For three years, Sara and Andy dreamt of falling pregnant, and were determined not to give up hope when it began to look like they were destined to be disappointed. Read the full story here ▶