Home News Baby Born Without Skin at 37 Weeks Receives Life-Saving Treatment

Baby Born Without Skin at 37 Weeks Receives Life-Saving Treatment

Baby Born Without Skin at 37 Weeks Receives Life-Saving Treatment

On the 24th of May, Friday, a little baby underwent major surgery after he was born without skin at 37 weeks. Little Ja’bari was born without skin on his body and his eyes were also sealed shut when his mother was induced and prepped for an emergency c-section at 37 weeks.

The doctors prepped the little one for a major surgery where they attempted to cover parts of his body with skin grown in the lab from the infant’s cells.

The couple, who were obviously devastated that their little man had a major surgery coming up, requested everyone to pray for him, hoping everything would turn out perfectly for their little man. Read the full story here ▶