Airline Turns Plane Around, Hands Mom Boarding Pass Saying Her Son’s In Danger


Let’s face it: airline companies typically don’t have the best reputation for customer care.

But Southwest Airlines pulled through the help a customer in her time of need and went so far as to turn the plane around for her!

Peggy had just boarded her flight to Chicago from Columbus when her husband attempted to call her because their sun had fallen into a coma back in Denver, where they lived.

Her phone was off as she had been getting ready for the plane to take off, so her husband called the airline instead.

airline turns plane
Image Credit: Peggy Maguire Uhle / Facebook

Immediately, airport customer service rushed to contact the pilots and have Peggy informed of what was going on.

Luckily, the plane had only begun moving and had yet to take off, so the plane was immediately stopped and a taxi was called for Peggy, who rode it back to the gate.

She was then able to speak properly with her husband about the matter.

airline turns plane
Image Credit: Peggy Maguire Uhle / Facebook

Peggy now had to fly to Denver instead, and Southwest Airlines pulled through and rescheduled her flight for her for free!

She was even given a private waiting area and was allowed to board the plane before other passengers.

When she disembarked at Denver, a packed lunch was waiting for her.

Her luggage was safety rerouted as well.

airline turns plane
Image Credit: Southwest Airlines / Facebook

It’s truly heartwarming how this airline pulled through to help Peggy through a difficult time of her life!

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