6 Weeks After Giving Birth To Her First Baby, New Mom Gets Shocking News From Her Doctor


A young mom in Australia has revealed that she miraculously fell pregnant with twins just six weeks after welcoming her very first child.

According to The Daily Mail, 27-year-old Eliza Curby, from Sydney, “didn’t even think about contraception” after the birth of her first baby Charlie in January 2016.

While Curby always believed the old wives tale that “you can’t get pregnant if you are breast feeding,” she has since learned that it is absolutely not true in her case.

“Breast feeding doesn’t do s***, this pregnancy happened, it is real,” Curby told Daily Mail Australia. “My doctor actually uses me as an example for couples when they say they don’t have any contraception plans in place after the birth of their child.”

“I knew I was pregnant straight away because when I woke up it felt like I had been hit in the head with a baseball bat,” she added. “I took four pregnancy tests before one came back positive.”

Despite the shocking pregnancy, Curby and her partner, Ben, 38, still didn’t believe the doctor who told them they were expecting twins.
“When we found out Ben’s face just went white,” Curby said. “But for two or three weeks were in denial – we just thought the doctor was new and might not know.”

“Then I saw the obstetrician we had with Charlie and he confirmed it – I have never been so nervous in my life,” she added.
Curby said telling her family the big news made the couple even more nervous than ever before.

“I was really excited to tell them I knew they were going be way more shocked than I was,” Curby said. “When we went to dad and told him we had exciting news he thought we were going to get married.”

“Then when we said we were going for round two, with twins his face turned to horror,” she continued.

The young mom is now starting a blog to open up about what it’s really like having three children under the age of one.

“The other day I was walking down the street and people were staring at me like I was some kind of dog-walker but for kids,” Curby revealed. “I sat down at a cafe but had to leave because I was so embarrassed by all the staring.”

Because Curby has only been with Ben for two years, she jokes that “he has never known me not pregnant – at least I am not as emotional now.”
“We are a pretty good team so our relationship has been surprisingly fine with all these changes,” she said.

Curby says she is just now getting used to having three babies at home, but she’s loving every minute of it.

“It is like I have had to start all over again. But now it is just everything in threes, three bibs, three baby seats – three everything,” she said.