A 10-year-old Brazilian girl complained of having a terrible stomachache in school.
She was rushed to the hospital in Belo Horizonte.
To everyone’s surprise (even the girl’s parents), she was pregnant.
The 10-year-old girl was seven months pregnant and in labor!

The girl delivered her baby without incident.
According to police chief Captain Castro, the girl’s mother claims that she didn’t notice her daughter was pregnant and blamed it on the girl’s small frame. Really?

Small frame or not, you would certainly have to recognize something was different with your daughter.
The girl later told her mother that it was her stepfather who had abused her. The stepfather was no longer living at the home.

Maybe the mother was in denial. The stepfather, 40, had also threatened to kill the girls’ mother and brother if she told anyone.
Two years earlier, the girl had become more introverted and started to have some troubles with her school work.

Her stepfather abused her for two years and then got her pregnant.
He was arrested and charged with illegal possession of firearms and rape of a child.

Young girls, like the one in this story, do not have a fully developed pelvis which puts them at risk for complications during childbirth.
For example, premature labor, prolonged labor, eclampsia, obstructed labor, anemia, or fistulas.

The little girl is lucky to have survived giving birth.
Reports at the time indicated that the girl and her baby were doing fine.
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